Business Accounting - Certificate B

Year 1 - Fall
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
ACC 100 Business Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): None
ACC 270 Tax Accounting 3 Prerequisites: None
BO3 Business Option 3
BUS 111 Personal Finance 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 120 Business English 3 Prerequisite(s): None
CIS 100 Software Applications 3 Prerequisite(s): None
Year 1 - Spring
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
ACC 120 Financial Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC100 with a grade of C or higher or successful completion of a basic accounting course at the high school or college level.
ACC 125 Computerized Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC 100 or higher with a grade of C or higher
ACC 130 Payroll Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC100 or higher with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 140 Managerial Accounting 3 Prerequisites: ACC 100 Business Accounting or successful completion of a basic accounting course at the high school or college level with a grade of C or higher.
BUS 125 Business Communication 3 Prerequisite(s): None
MO3 Math Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements.
Course Option Business Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
BUS 185 Business Ethics and Human Relations 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 190 Leadership Development 3 Prerequisite(s): None
Course Option Math Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
MAT 101 Technical Mathematics I 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
MAT 108 Beginning Algebra 3 Prerequisite(s): None
MAT 109 Technical Mathematics II 3 Prerequisites: Meet placement guidelines OR MAT 101 with a grade of C or higher OR MAT 108 with a grade of C or higher