The Certificate B in Business Administrative Assistant provides training in office management, with a focus on administrative tasks such as document preparation, scheduling, and effective office communication. Print Degree Map Year 1 - Fall Fall Course Code Course Title Credit Notes ACC 100 Business Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Business Accounting : ACC 100 Business Accounting includes the theory and practice associated with double-entry accounting. Special emphasis is placed on the preparation of the documents necessary to complete the accounting cycle. Topics include: transactions, journals, financial statements, schedules, adjustments/closing entries, accounting cycle, cash control, bank reconciliation, and payroll. Prerequisite(s): None BO3 Business Option 3 × Business Option : BO3 BUS 120 Business English 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Business English : BUS 120 This course will enable the student to master language principles for the information age. The student will develop language skills while gaining computer experience. The student will gain expertise in basic rules of English grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and number style. Prerequisite(s): None BUS 185 Business Ethics & Human Relations 3 × Business Ethics & Human Relations : BUS 185 CIS 100 Software Applications - SWT CSC 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Software Applications - SWT CSC 1010 : CIS 100 This course will enable students to work with application software in a career setting or for personal use. Using a project-based approach, students develop an introductory-level competency in word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. Computer concepts are covered as well. Prerequisite(s): None MO3 Math Options 3 Based upon placement testing requirements. × Math Options : MO3 Based upon placement testing requirements. Year 1 - Spring Spring Course Code Course Title Credit Notes BUS 125 Business Communication - SWT BUS2040 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Business Communication - SWT BUS2040 : BUS 125 This course covers the role of communication in the business environment and focuses on the most effective methods for creating, sending, and receiving messages. This involves the use of effective oral and written communication skills and writing and evaluating business documents using the principles of correct style, organization, and format. Prerequisite(s): None BUS 130 Records and Information Management 3 Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 × Records and Information Management : BUS 130 Instruction in the creation, maintenance, protection, and disposition of records stored in a variety of media forms. Instruction will include the ARMA (Association for Records Managers and Administrators, Inc.) rules for filing, retrieving documents, and specialized functions such as micrographics and optical disk technology. Also included are laws relating to records management. Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 BUS 220 Administrative Procedures 3 Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 with a grade of C or higher. × Administrative Procedures : BUS 220 Study of current office procedures including the work environment, workplace technologies, written communication, and customer service skills. Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 with a grade of C or higher. CIS 116 Spreadsheet Management 2 Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher × Spreadsheet Management : CIS 116 This course covers intermediate-level concepts of spreadsheet software. Using typical business scenarios, the student will perform "what if" analyses, manage data in worksheets with tables and database functions, and use multiple worksheets to build consolidated statements. The applications and principles learned in this course are relevant to any career field. Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher CIS 121 Word Processing 2 Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher × Word Processing : CIS 121 This course covers intermediate-level concepts of word processing software. Using typical business scenarios, the student will create documents containing graphical elements such as tables, columns, and SmartArt. Automated features, such as merge applications and use of building blocks will be used. The applications and principles learned in this course are relevant to any career field. Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher CIS 126 Database Management 2 Prerequisite(s): CIS100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher × Database Management : CIS 126 Database Management includes designing and creating a database; changing and deleting records; creating forms and reports, including custom forms and reports; changing structures; building relationships and lookup fields; using query wizards and advanced query techniques; and macros. Prerequisite(s): CIS100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher Business Options Course Code Course Title Credits Notes BUS 111 Personal Finance - SWT BUS1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Personal Finance - SWT BUS1010 : BUS 111 This course focuses on basic skills in the management of money with an emphasis on the viewpoint of the individual. Topics to be covered include budgeting, bank accounts, credit cards, borrowing, real estate and housing, transportation, savings, investments, insurance, taxation, retirement, and estate planning. BUS 255 Principles of Management 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Principles of Management : BUS 255 This course teaches the basic components of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The course will focus on the fundamentals of management as they are practiced today. Math Options Course Code Course Title Credits Notes MAT 101 Technical Mathematics I 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines × Technical Mathematics I : MAT 101 This is an overview of mathematics course that focuses on technical applications. Topics include basic quantitative problem solving, algebra with technical applications, measurement, proportions, and geometry. This course is designed to provide students with the mathematical background necessary for entering technical career fields. MAT 108 Beginning Algebra 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Beginning Algebra : MAT 108 This is an introductory algebra course that includes applications. Topics include a review of pre-algebra, variable expressions, solving algebraic equations, linear equations in two variables, inequalities, and polynomials. MAT 109 Technical Mathematics II 3 Prerequisites: Meet placement guidelines OR MAT 101 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 108 with a grade of "C" or higher × Technical Mathematics II : MAT 109 This is an algebra based mathematics course that focuses on technical applications. Topics include graphing linear equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, factoring polynomials, quadratic equations, right triangle trigonometry and trigonometry with any angle. This course is designed to provide students with the critical thinking needed for solving complex technical problems. MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines MAT 108 Beginning Algebra with a grade of "C" or higher × Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 : MAT 110 This course is designed for students who have only one year of high school algebra and provides the algebraic skills necessary to begin conceptualizing abstract mathematical concepts in preparation for College Algebra. Topics covered will include Number Systems, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Lines, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Polynomials, Exponents, Rational Expressions and Quadratic Equations. MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines MAT 108 Beginning Algebra with a grade of C or higher × Intermediate Algebra : MAT 110 This course is designed for students who have only one year of high school algebra and provides the algebraic skills necessary to begin conceptualizing abstract mathematical concepts in preparation for College Algebra. Topics covered will include Number Systems, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Lines, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Polynomials, Exponents, Rational Expressions and Quadratic Equations. MAT 135 College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 3 Prerequisites: Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of C or better OR MAT 110 with a grade of C or better. × College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 : MAT 135 College Algebra is a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of algebra. Topics include analyzing graphs of functions and equations (including symmetry, intercepts, left- and right- hand behavior, asymptotes and transformations); utilizing functional notation; determining the domain and range of a function; writing an equation that describes a function or a circle given its description; using graphs of functions for analysis; performing arithmetic combinations and compositions of functions; finding the inverse of a function; and solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations by various methods (including matrices). MAT 135 College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 110 with a grade of "C" or higher. × College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 : MAT 135 College Algebra is a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of algebra. Topics include analyzing graphs of functions and equations (including symmetry, intercepts, left- and right- hand behavior, asymptotes and transformations); utilizing functional notation; determining the domain and range of a function; writing an equation that describes a function or a circle given its description; using graphs of functions for analysis; performing arithmetic combinations and compositions of functions; finding the inverse of a function; and solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations by various methods (including matrices).