Business Administrative Assistant - Associate of Applied Science

The AAS in Business Administrative Assistant equips students with the skills needed for office management, including proficiency in word processing, spreadsheet management, customer service, and office communications.

Year 1 - Fall
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
ACC 100 Business Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BO3 Business Option 3
BUS 120 Business English 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 126 Introduction to Business - SWT BUS1020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
CIS 100 Software Applications - SWT CSC 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
Year 1 - Spring
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
BUS 125 Business Communication - SWT BUS2040 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 185 Business Ethics and Human Relations 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 220 Administrative Procedures 3 Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 with a grade of C or higher.
EO3 English Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements.
MO3 Math Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements.
Year 2 - Fall
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
BUS 130 Records and Information Management 3 Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 with a grade of "C" or higher.
BUS 210 Workstation Management 3 Prerequisite(s): CIS 100 with a grade of C or higher.
CIS 116 Spreadsheet Management 2 Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of "C" or higher.
CIS 121 Word Processing 2 Prerequisites: CIS 100 Software Applications with a grade of "C" or higher.
GEE3 General Education Elective 3 General education elective.
GEE3 General Education Elective (2) 3 General education elective.
TE3 Technical Elective 3 Suggested technical elective option.
Year 2 - Spring
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
BUS 290 Business Capstone 1 Prerequisite(s): EMP 1901, or concurrent.
CIS 126 Database Management 2 Prerequisite(s): CIS100 Software Applications with a grade of C or higher
CIS 155 Integrated Applications 2 Prerequisite(s): CIS 116 Spreadsheet Management, CIS 121 Word Processing, and CIS 126 Database Management, each with a grade of C or higher
EMP 1901 Global Employment Standards 1 Prerequisite(s): None
GEE3 General Education Elective (3) 3 General education elective.
TE3 Technical Elective (3) 2 Suggested technical elective option.
TE3 Technical Elective (2) 3 Suggested technical elective option.
Business Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
BUS 111 Personal Finance - SWT BUS1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
BUS 255 Principles of Management 3 Prerequisite(s): None
English Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
COM 101 Composition Workshop 1 Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite: English Composition I (COM 105) or Technical Writing (COM 110) based on placement guidelines/indicator.
COM 105 English Composition I - SWT ENG 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
COM 106 English Composition II - SWT ENG 1020 3 Prerequisite(s): COM 105 with a grade of "C" or higher.
General Education Electives
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
BSC 110 Biology - SWT BIO1010 5 Prerequisite(s): None
BSC 125 Anatomy & Physiology - SWT BIO2020 5 Prerequisite(s): BSC 110 with a "C" or higher or High School Anatomy & Physiology within five years with a "C" or higher or permission of instructor.
BSC 205 Microbiology - SWT BIO2040 5 Prerequisite(s): BSC 110 with a "C" or higher or permission of instructor
CHM 105 Introduction to Chemistry - SWT CHM1030 5 Prerequisite(s): High school Algebra with "C" or higher
CHM 110 Chemistry I - SWT CHM1010 5 Prerequisite(s): Secondary or Post-secondary General Chemistry or Physical Science and Algebra within 5 years with grades of "C" or higher.
CHM 230 Chemistry II - SWT CHM1020 5 Prerequisite(s): CHM110 Chemistry I with a grade of "C" or higher.
CIS 100 Software Applications - SWT CSC 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
COM 110 Technical Writing 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
COM 115 Public Speaking - SWT COM 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
COM 116 Interpersonal Communications - SWT COM 1020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
HIS 105 U.S. History to 1877 - SWT HIS1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
HIS 106 U.S. History Since 1877 - SWT HIS1020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
MAT 101 Technical Mathematics I 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
MAT 108 Beginning Algebra 3 Prerequisite(s): None
MAT 145 Elementary Statistics - SWT MAT1020 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 110 with a grade of "C" or higher.
MAT 155 Trigonometry - SWT MAT1030 3 Prerequisite(s): MAT 135 College Algebra with a grade of "C" or higher
NTR 105 Nutrition - SWT HSC1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
PHY 100 General Physics - SWT PHY1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Intermediate Algebra
POL 105 American Government - SWT POL1020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
PSY 100 General Psychology - SWT PSY 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
PSY 125 Human Growth & Development - SWT PSY2020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology - SWT SOC 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
SOC 150 Social Problems - SWT SOC2010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
SOC 200 Marriage and Family - SWT SOC2020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
Math Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines MAT 108 Beginning Algebra with a grade of "C" or higher
MAT 135 College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 110 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Technical Elective Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
ACC 120 Financial Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC100 with a grade of C or higher or successful completion of a basic accounting course at the high school or college level.
ACC 125 Computerized Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC 100 or higher with a grade of C or higher
ACC 130 Payroll Accounting 3 Prerequisite(s): ACC100 or higher with a grade of C or higher.
ACC 140 Managerial Accounting 3 Prerequisites: ACC 100 Business Accounting or successful completion of a basic accounting course at the high school or college level with a grade of C or higher.
BUS 199 Business Internship 1 to 3 Prerequisite(s): Completion of 20 program credit hours with 3.0 or higher GPA and permission of advisor.
CIS 150 Web Page Applications 3 Prerequisite(s): None
CRT 100 Principles of Information Assurance 1 Prerequisite(s): None
