The Certificate B in HVAC covers foundational skills in installing and maintaining heating and cooling systems, including hands-on experience with modern HVAC technology and equipment. Print Degree Map Year 1 - Fall Fall Course Code Course Title Credit Notes HVA 103 OSHA 10 1 Prerequisite(s): None × OSHA 10 : HVA 103 The 10-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program is intended to provide an entry level worker's general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards in a general industry setting. Prerequisite(s): None HVA 1044 HVAC Fundamentals 4 Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite: HVA 103 OSHA 10 × HVAC Fundamentals : HVA 1044 This course in refrigeration is designed to include how mechanical refrigerators operate, heat and flow, temperature measurement, pressure, and states of matter, as well as the laws of refrigeration. Safety procedures will also be taught. Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite: HVA 103 OSHA 10 HVA 1104 Electrical Fundamentals 4 Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 × Electrical Fundamentals : HVA 1104 This course is an introduction to generation of electricity, types of electricity--direct and alternating current circuit fundamentals, magnetism, and electrical components. Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 HVA 120 Domestic Refrigeration 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 & HVA 1044 × Domestic Refrigeration : HVA 120 This course includes terminology associated with domestic refrigeration, identification of types of domestic refrigeration, location of data plates and their purpose. Also covered will be sealed system components, what their function is and how they operate, as well as locating and solving problems in a domestic refrigerating system in a safe manner. Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 & HVA 1044 HVA 140 Heating System Fundamentals 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 & HVA 1104 × Heating System Fundamentals : HVA 140 This course covers terminology associated with heating and humidification. Heating equipment covered will include gas heating systems, hydronic heating, electric heating, and oil heating. Also covered in this course will be humidification. Prerequisite(s): HVA 103 & HVA 1104 HVA 170 Design and Blueprint Reading 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 103, HVA 1044, & HVA 140 × Design and Blueprint Reading : HVA 170 This course in design and blueprint reading will enable students to learn to read plans and blueprints for new construction and be able to calculate loads for heating and cooling systems. Safety procedures will also be taught. Prerequisite(s): HVA 103, HVA 1044, & HVA 140 MO3 Math Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements. × Math Option : MO3 Based upon placement testing requirements. Year 1 - Spring Spring Course Code Course Title Credit Notes EO3 English Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements. × English Option : EO3 Based upon placement testing requirements. HVA 130 Controls and Motors 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 × Controls and Motors : HVA 130 This course includes terminology associated with motors. Student will learn the components of a motor. Students will apply the concept of start relays, start capacitors, and run capacitors. Students will be able to identify different types of motors and wire them. Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 HVA 150 Cooling 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 130 × Cooling : HVA 150 This course in cooling is designed to focus on operation, installation, and service procedures to complete air conditioning and heat pump systems. Safety procedures will also be taught. Prerequisite(s): HVA 130 HVA 151 Advanced Refrigeration 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044, HVA 1104, HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. × Advanced Refrigeration : HVA 151 Students will gain the knowledge of special refrigeration application systems, commercial ice machines, and the ability to troubleshoot and understand the sequence of operation and commercial systems. Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044, HVA 1104, HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. HVA 161 EPA 608 1 Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 & HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. × EPA 608 : HVA 161 Students will gain the knowledge of refrigerant and oil chemistry and management, understand the recovery, recycling, reclaiming, and retrofitting methods that are required by EPA. Students will become 608 Universal certified in handling and purchasing refrigerants. Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 & HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. HVA 181 Commercial Refrigeration 3 Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 and HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. × Commercial Refrigeration : HVA 181 This course is the study of condensing units, condensers, refrigerant controls, evaporators, and other components used in commercial refrigeration systems as well as diagnosing, testing, servicing, and repair of commercial equipment. Safety for the technician, customer, and equipment are also covered. Prerequisite(s): HVA 1044 and HVA 120 with a grade of "C" or higher or with instructor approval. HVA 185 Workplace Skills 1 Prerequisite(s): None × Workplace Skills : HVA 185 Students will develop good customer relations including problem solving, time management, and work ethic. They will learn to complete retail sales orders and will calculate sales tax and mark ups. Prerequisite(s): None HVA 199 Occupational Work Experience 2 Prerequisite(s): HVA 181 and faculty recommendation × Occupational Work Experience : HVA 199 Supervised work experience in the public and private sector. Prerequisite(s): HVA 181 and faculty recommendation English Options Course Code Course Title Credits Notes COM 105 English Composition I - SWT ENG 1010 3 Prerequisites: Meet placement guidelines × English Composition I - SWT ENG 1010 : COM 105 This course provides the students opportunities to practice organizing and writing research-based papers highlighting critical thinking. Library and research skills will be emphasized. COM 106 English Composition II - SWT ENG 1020 3 Prerequisites: COM 105 with a grade of "C" or higher. × English Composition II - SWT ENG 1020 : COM 106 This course is an introduction to professional and technical writing used in the workplace. The class offers practice in document design and editing. The types of correspondence include memos, letters, e-mail, reports, and instructional manuals. The course will focus on clarity, conciseness, document design, organization, audience recognition, audience involvement and accuracy. Collaboration and teamwork is stressed. Presentations will be practiced during class. COM 110 Technical Writing 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines × Technical Writing : COM 110 This course is an introduction to professional and technical writing used in the workplace. The class offers practice in document design and editing. The types of correspondence include memos, letters, e-mail, reports, and instructional manuals. The course will focus on clarity, conciseness, document design, organization, audience recognition, audience involvement and accuracy. Collaboration and teamwork is stressed. Presentations will be practiced during class. Math Options Course Code Course Title Credits Notes MAT 101 Technical Mathematics I 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines × Technical Mathematics I : MAT 101 This is an overview of mathematics course that focuses on technical applications. Topics include basic quantitative problem solving, algebra with technical applications, measurement, proportions, and geometry. This course is designed to provide students with the mathematical background necessary for entering technical career fields. MAT 108 Beginning Algebra 3 Prerequisite(s): None × Beginning Algebra : MAT 108 This is an introductory algebra course that includes applications. Topics include a review of pre-algebra, variable expressions, solving algebraic equations, linear equations in two variables, inequalities, and polynomials. MAT 109 Technical Mathematics II 3 Prerequisites: Meet placement guidelines OR MAT 101 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 108 with a grade of "C" or higher × Technical Mathematics II : MAT 109 This is an algebra based mathematics course that focuses on technical applications. Topics include graphing linear equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, factoring polynomials, quadratic equations, right triangle trigonometry and trigonometry with any angle. This course is designed to provide students with the critical thinking needed for solving complex technical problems. MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines MAT 108 Beginning Algebra with a grade of "C" or higher × Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 : MAT 110 This course is designed for students who have only one year of high school algebra and provides the algebraic skills necessary to begin conceptualizing abstract mathematical concepts in preparation for College Algebra. Topics covered will include Number Systems, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Lines, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Polynomials, Exponents, Rational Expressions and Quadratic Equations. MAT 135 College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 110 with a grade of "C" or higher. × College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 : MAT 135 College Algebra is a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of algebra. Topics include analyzing graphs of functions and equations (including symmetry, intercepts, left- and right- hand behavior, asymptotes and transformations); utilizing functional notation; determining the domain and range of a function; writing an equation that describes a function or a circle given its description; using graphs of functions for analysis; performing arithmetic combinations and compositions of functions; finding the inverse of a function; and solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations by various methods (including matrices).