Medical Laboratory Technology - Associate of Applied Science

The AAS in Medical Laboratory Technology gives students the skills needed to conduct lab tests and procedures, including blood analysis, microbiology, and pathology, essential for diagnosing and treating diseases.

Year 1 - Fall
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
ALH 101 Phlebotomy 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet enrollment requirements.
CO3 Communication Option 3
EO3 English Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements.
MLT 1213 Introduction to the Laboratory for MLT 3 Prerequisite(s): None
MO3 Math Option 3 Based upon placement testing requirements.
Year 1 - Spring
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
BSC 125 Anatomy & Physiology - SWT BIO2020 5 Prerequisite(s): BSC 110 with a C or higher or High School Anatomy & Physiology within five years with a "C" or higher or permission of instructor.
BSC 205 Microbiology - SWT BIO2040 5 Prerequisite(s): BSC 110 with a "C" or higher or permission of instructor
CHM 110 Chemistry I--KRSN CHM1010 5 Prerequisite(s): Secondary or Post-secondary General Chemistry or Physical Science and Algebra within 5 years with grades of "C" or higher.
Year 2 - Fall
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
MLT 2216 MLT Hematology/Coagulation 6 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
MLT 2416 MLT Clinical Chemistry 6 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
MLT 2503 MLT Immunology 3 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
Year 2 - Spring
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
MLT 2303 MLT Urinalysis & Body Fluids 3 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
MLT 2706 MLT Pathogenic Microbiology 6 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
MLT 2806 MLT Immunohematology 6 Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MLT program or instructor approval.
Year 2 - Summer
Course Code Course Title Credit Notes
MLT 2988 Clinical Internship for MLT 8 Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of all courses in the Medical Laboratory Program.
Communications Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
COM 115 Public Speaking - SWT COM 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): None
COM 116 Interpersonal Communications - SWT COM 1020 3 Prerequisite(s): None
English Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
COM 101 Composition Workshop 1 Prerequisite(s): Co-requisite: English Composition I (COM 105) or Technical Writing (COM 110) based on placement guidelines/indicator.
COM 105 English Composition I - SWT ENG 1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
COM 106 English Composition II - SWT ENG 1020 3 Prerequisite(s): COM 105 with a grade of "C" or higher.
Math Options
Course Code Course Title Credits Notes
MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra - SWT MAT0990 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines MAT 108 Beginning Algebra with a grade of "C" or higher
MAT 135 College Algebra - SWT MAT1010 3 Prerequisite(s): Meet Placement Guidelines OR MAT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher OR MAT 110 with a grade of "C" or higher.
