To be considered for admission to the Medical Laboratory Technology program, applicants must meet the following criteria and submit all requested credentials and documentation:
Prerequisite courses must be COMPLETED OR IN PROGRESS PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION DEADLINE to be considered for admission. Any exceptions to prerequisite course completion dates would be at the discretion of the MLT Program Coordinator or designee.
Must have been taken within 5 years of acceptance into the program.
Biology OR Secondary Anatomy and Physiology is a pre-requisite for enrollment into Anatomy and Physiology.
Biology OR Instructor Permission is a pre-requisite for enrollment into Microbiology with Lab.
Introduction to Chemistry OR Secondary Chemistry AND Secondary Algebra OR Beginning Algebra within 5 years are pre-requisites for enrollment into Chemistry I.
COM 115
COM 116
Public Speaking
Interpersonal Communciation
MAT 110^
MAT 135^
Intermediate Algebra
College Algebra
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