Class Cancellation For Today

Associate Degree Nursing Prerequisites

To be considered for admission in the Associate Degree of Nursing program, applicants must meet the following criteria and submit all requested credentials and documentation:

Course Number Course Title Credit Hours Notes
BSC 125* Anatomy & Physiology 5

Biology is a prerequisite for this course

BSC 205* Microbiology with Lab 5

Must include a lab

Biology is a prerequisite for this course

COM 105^ English Composition I 3  

COM 115


COM 116

Public Speaking


Interpersonal Communication




PSY 125 Human Growth & Development 3  
NTR 105 Nutrition 3  

MAT 110^


MAT 135^

Intermediate Algebra


College Algebra

PSY 100 General Psychology 3  
*Course can be completed as one or broken up as two courses (must add up to a minimum of five (5) credit hours.)
^College Placement testing may be required to determine where you place in math and English. Consult your advisor for more
information, and check well in advance of the semester when you plan to enroll in a math course.

Note: ALL prerequisite courses must be COMPLETED prior to the application deadline to be considered for admission. Any exceptions to that standards are at the discretion of the Dean of Nursing and Health Programs or designee.
