Class Cancellation For Today

Report It

At Manhattan Area Technical College, we are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone in our community. Campus safety is a top priority, and we take all reports of misconduct seriously to protect the health and well-being of students and employees alike.

We rely on our community to report any concerning behaviors, allowing us to address issues and provide the necessary support. If you see something, say something. Use the links below to report any concerns or suspicious activity:

Report Civil Rights and Title IX Discrimination

Manhattan Tech acts on reports related to harassment and discrimination based on protected classes (race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information). We also act on reports related to sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. If anyone experiences related retaliation, we also act on those reports. please visit our Title IX website. Both student and employees can report sexual misconduct, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation by using the form below.


Report Disruptive Behavior – Student Conduct

Disruptive behavior is conduct that inhibits a faculty member’s ability to conduct class or limits another student's ability to fully access the educational benefits Manhattan Tech has to offer. Disruptive behavior occurs inside or outside of a classroom setting. Examples of disruptive behavior include prohibited use of electronics (like a phone) during class, persistently interrupting instructors, or other students during class, excessively aggressive or violent behavior towards another member of the college community, or physical altercations. For more information about disruptive behavior, click to review 5.9.3 Student Code of Conduct Policy. Both students and employees can report disruptive behavior.


Report Academic Integrity Concerns – Student Conduct

Our college upholds the highest standards of academic integrity. For more information about scholastic dishonesty click and review 4.3.2 Academic Honesty and Misconduct policy. If you encounter or suspect any form of scholastic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication, please report it through this page by clicking on the link below. We treat every report with utmost seriousness to ensure fairness and uphold our academic principles. Your report contributes to preserving the integrity of our academic community. Employees may complete the form below to report academic misconduct.


Report a Student Behavior Concern

Manhattan Tech is committed to improving campus safety and security by proactively and collaboratively identifying, assessing, and managing student situations that pose, or may reasonably pose, a threat to the safety and well-being of the college community or any of its members.  As part of the college community, we all play active roles (listener, friend, mentor, authority) that are significant to a student’s social and cognitive development. If you are experiencing interactions with a student who is showing signs of concern or is acting out of character, please reach by clicking on the link below. Both students and employees can report concerning behavior.


Academic Referral/Early Alert Report

The Early Alert Program is a collaborative effort between faculty, staff, and students to help students get back on track academically. Our goal is to promote academic success by connecting students to resources and to improve students’ motivation.

When a faculty or staff member refers a student, the student will be contacted by their academic advisor who will connect with the student via a phone call and/or email, discuss any issues going on, and share resources available to the student. Employees may complete the form below to initiate a referral.


Student Complaint/Grievance

The primary goal of the Grievance Process is to produce a mutually acceptable solution to a student's complaint as soon as possible. When students believe Manhattan Tech College is not meeting its responsibilities under the law or our own policies and procedures, they are encouraged to know and work with us to resolve the issues. The College has designated resources to help maintain our professional standards across campus and to provide appropriate responses to complaints and concerns. The College encourages students to discuss their concerns with the appropriate faculty member or other campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. For more information about students complaints click and review 3.7.5 Student and Community Complaint Procedures. If the concern is not addressed, then students are referred to submit a formal complaint. Community members and students may complete the form below to report academic and non-academic complaints.


Report an Incident

To ensure the safety and well-being of our community, it’s important to report any incidents or accidents that occur on campus. Providing timely and accurate information helps us respond appropriately and take steps to prevent future occurrences. All reports will be handled with care and confidentiality. Employees may complete the form below to report an incident.

