Loan Periods

Loan periods refer to the terms of enrollment for which you want the loan to apply.

  • Only one loan certification per loan application and approval is allowed per banking rules.
  • Summer at Manhattan Tech is considered a “trailer” which ends an academic year and cannot be included in a loan for the following academic year, which begins with the fall term.
  • Loans cannot exceed estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) for either the academic year or on a term-by-term basis.
  • If you are borrowing a “look back”* loan for a past due balance, it may be difficult for us to realize your intent. Call or e-mail our office to tell us of your intention or use a loan period that has already passed.
*A "look back" loan is a student loan that applies to a past-due balance owed to your school for a prior academic term (rather than the current or upcoming term). Federal loans do not allow this, so you'd have to find a private lender willing to cover your past-due balance.

Loan Periods

FallAugust - December
SpringJanuary - May
SummerJune - July
View the exact term dates by referring to the Academic Calendar.
