Class Cancellation For Today

Nursing Program CNA Waiver

Policy Information
Policy Type Nursing
Policy Number: 5.1.5
Date Policy Issued: September 01, 2010

Policy Owner: Dean of Nursing Education & Health Programs

Policy Statement:

Practical nursing applicants who have training as a medic/corpsman in the Armed Forces, EMT certification, or Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) may choose to take a CNA proficiency exam in lieu of obtaining a CNA certificate. The exam will have two sections: a didactic exam, and a skills test. Both sections must be completed with a passing score to receive the CNA waiver. The testing must be completed within the year preceding the application deadline. (Note: this will only provide entrance to MATC Practical Nursing. This process does not qualify the applicant for CNA certification with the state of Kansas.)

Policy Rational:

Persons who have received EMT, medic/corpsman, or CMA training have many of the skills acquired in a CNA course. This process allows them to demonstrate those skills in lieu of a CNA certificate.

Full PDF of Policy
Forms and Procedures

Attachment Size
Advance Stading CNA Waiver Form 112.27 KB
