Remote Employment

Policy Information
Policy Type Human Resources
Policy Number: 7.3.4
Date Policy Issued: April 24, 2024

Policy Owner: Chief Human Resource Officer

Policy Statement:

Manhattan Area Technical College recognizes and approves requests for employees to work remotely when it can be sustainably supported and permitted by appropriate leadership and does not pose a risk or undue hardship to the program, department, or college overall.

Policy Rational:

MATC recognizes the need to provide employees with the opportunity to work remotely for Personal/Family needs, as reasonable accommodation, or during temporary workspace renovations. This policy is to ensure fair, transparent, and consistent enforcement and application of remote work employment opportunities for all employees. Remote work is a privilege, not an entitlement, and may be approved or revoked by MATC leadership and administration on a case-by-case basis. Even employees in similar or identical positions may not receive similar decisions for approval or denial of remote work. Approval for remote work is based on factors of request feasibility, the demonstrable capability of the employee to fulfill work obligations efficiently and sustainably when remote, and the determinable or perceived impact remote employment would have on departmental or college capacities, security, and f inances. Remote work may be designated as incidental, hybrid, temporary, or regular per the circumstances and needs for which it is requested and approved.

Full PDF of Policy
Forms and Procedures

Attachment Size
Remote Work Request Form 140.99 KB
