Complaint Procedure
Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC) provides opportunities for students and community members to register complaints by following the procedures highlighted below. The complaint procedure provides an avenue to submit a concern regarding any area at MATC. The College will address and systematically process all student and community complaints in a timely manner.
NOTE: Time limits will be suspended while personnel are off contract and will resume when they return to duty. Notice of delay will be provided.
Outlined Steps
Step 1 - Informal Complaint Phase
MATC recognizes that disputes may sometimes arise. Students and community members are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their complaints or concerns.
- Informal complaints (concerns or expressions of dissatisfaction or disagreement) should be handled through direct communication (conversation, email, or letter) with the student or member of the community and the MATC staff or department/division involved.
- If the issue remains unresolved, the informal complaint should be submitted using the online form (noted below in step two). Students and community members may also consult with the Dean of Student Services and/or Dean of Advanced Technology if they are unsure where or how to address a complaint or concern. If a complaint remains unresolved, students or community members will initiate the formal phase of the complaint process (noted in step 2 below).
Examples of Complaints
Students who have complaints related to course grades, the conduct of classes, or other course matters should address those complaints first with the instructor, as noted under Complaint Process – Informal Phase. If a resolution is not achieved with the Dean of Academic Affairs or Designee, a student may submit a Formal Grievance Form as outlined in phase two (2).
As noted under Complaint Process – Informal Phase, students and community members who have complaints related to MATC staff or services (Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Registrar, TLC, etc.) should address those complaints directly with the MATC staff. If they are unsatisfied, the complaint can be taken to the appropriate department/division supervisor as noted under Complaint Process – Informal Phase. If the resolution is not achieved, they may submit a formal complaint via the Formal Grievance Form, as noted in phase two (2).
Manhattan Tech is committed to maintaining an environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding and mutual respect; and encourages individuals to strive to reach their potential. Title IX Harassment in the workplace or the educational environment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Any employee, student, campus visitor or person participating in a College activity, who has experienced or witnessed discrimination and/or harassment is encouraged to report the incident(s) promptly. Prompt reporting of complaints is vital to theCollege's ability to resolve the matter.
Step 2 - Formal Grievance Phase
If the resolution is not satisfactory at the informal complaint phase, a formal complaint must be submitted if seeking resolution. Formal complaints must be submitted online.
Student and Community Complaint Form
Formal complaints must be filed within thirty (30) college business days of the occurrence that prompted the complaint. If the outcome is undesired after receipt of the formal grievance, the next phase would be resolved via the formal grievance appeal phase of the complaint process (noted in step 3 below).
Step 3 - Appeal of Formal Grievance Phase
Formal appeals must be made in writing and submitted via the online form linked below.
If the student or member of the community does not get a satisfactory resolution to his/her formal complaint, resolution may be sought by appealing to the President by submitting a formal written request. The appeal must be received within ten (10) college business days after date of the mailed letter as outlined in Step 4 above.
Upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, the Presidents Office will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter) to the complainant within ten (10) college business days after the date the appeal was received. The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details, and a statement regarding action taken.
If a satisfactory resolution has not been reached with the President, the student or member of the community may appeal to the MATC Board of Directors by submitting a formal written request via the within forty-five (45) college business days.
The MATC Board of Directors, upon conclusion and investigating the nature of the complaint, will respond in writing (by way of mailed letter) to the complainant within thirty (30) college business days after the date the appeal was received.
The response will include a written description of the complaint, including all pertinent details and a statement regarding action taken. Once the MATC Board of Directors makes a decision on the appeal, that decision is final. No further appeal is heard.
Complaints to Third Parties
In addition to Manhattan Tech’s complaint processes, certain student complaints may be submitted to outside agencies as outlined below (this list is non-exhaustive, and there may be other agencies that will receive and process complaints):
- Consumer protection and/or fraud – Complaints may be filed with the Kansas Attorney General’s Office
- Discrimination complaints – Complaints against the College or its employees may also be filed with the Kansas Human Rights Commission
- MATC’s accreditation eligibility – MATC is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Complaints regarding the College’s ongoing eligibility to meet the Criteria of Accreditation may be filed following HLC Guidelines. Some academic programs may also have specific state or federal accrediting agencies to review complaints (i.e., nursing, etc.)
- Kansas Board of Regents - In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education Program Integrity Rule, 34 C.F.R. Part 600.9, the Kansas Board of Regents has adopted a process to review and appropriately act on student complaints concerning the six state universities. However, Community Colleges, Technical Colleges, and Washburn University are not governed by the Kansas Board of Regents and should be contacted directly regarding complaints. Refer Here for more information.