See List
These are the system guidelines for student devices, and what hardware and software we will support.
Please keep in mind each department might have additional requirements these are listed at the bottom of the page. It might also be possible to use something not listed but it may require you installing additional software and we will not support it.
Minimum Hardware/Software supported
We require students to have some form of laptop or desktop, however, these are what we recommend if you chose for a supplemental device for classwork.
Operating System - Microsoft Windows 10, Android 6.0, Apple IOS10
There are also browsers and plugins that are required/recommended to access coursework and classroom resources.
PasswordManager - We strongly recommend a password manager such as BitWarden or Lastpass, this will make it easier to use a secure password on all your accounts.
Manhattan Tech provides 5 free copies of Microsoft Office, find out how to get yours here.
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