Welding Technology Course Information

A course outline works as a guide for students. Course goals and student learning outcomes inform students about the materials they will engage. They also describe what expectations are required and provides a timeline of these expectations.

A course outline also works as a reference for colleagues, administrators, and accreditation agencies. It allows others to see what you are doing in your course, and what is expected of you. In some cases, others may refer to your course outline to determine what skills you should have after completing your course. Related courses that utilize your course as a prerequisite or co-requisite will likely build on the outcomes mapped out in your current course outline.


Course Credit Hours

WLD   100   Welding Safety/OSHA 10
Prerequisite(s): None. Through a variety of classroom and/or lab learning and assessment activities, students in this course will explain job/site safety and precautions for job/site hazards; determine the uses of personal protective equipment (PPE); identify the safety equipment and procedures related to safe work practices and environment; identify fire prevention and protection techniques; explore Hazardous Communications (HazCom) including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).


WLD   110   Welding Metallurgy
Prerequisite(s): WLD 100. Metallurgical principles applied to welding; mechanisms of strengthening, phase equilibria, and microstructure of the weld zone.


WLD   1153   Blueprint Reading
Prerequisite(s): None. In this course students will be provided exposure to blueprint reading beginning with identification of specific lines, views, abbreviations, symbols, joints and shapes specific to the welding industry. Students will interpret basic 3D sketches using orthographic projection and blueprints and solve mathematic equations and interpret scale ratios. Use of measuring tools and interpreting a Bill of Materials are also components of this course.


WLD   1303   Cutting Processes 
Prerequisite(s): None. This course will include the cutting of ferrous metals with manual motor-driven and automatic oxy-acetylene shape cutting equipment, as well as high-energy plasma arch and carbon-arch cutting. 


WLD   1404   Intro to SMAW  
Prerequisite(s): None. In this course, students will explore the tools, safety and operating procedures essential when working with Shielding Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) equipment. In a supervised setting, students will set up equipment, build weld pads with selected electrodes in both the flat and horizontal positions. Students will also weld selected joints and inspect SMAW welds for uniformity and tolerance. 


WLD   145   SMAW Advanced Structural
Prerequisite(s): WLD 100 and WLD 140. This course will provide advanced instruction in shielded metal arc welding safety, theory, and the skills used for all positions of shielded metal arc welding. 


WLD   1504   Intro to GMAW
Prerequisite(s): None. In this introductory course students will be introduced to the Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) principles, processes and safe practice. Through practice and application students will associate GMAW electrode classifications with base metals and joint criteria and build pads of weld beads in the flat and horizontal positions. Students will produce basic GMAW welds on selected weld joints and perform visual inspection of welds for quality and tolerance.


WLD   155   GMAW Advanced
Prerequisite(s): WLD100- Welding safety/OSHA 10. Students will receive instruction in proper setup and operation of MIG welding equipment to weld in all positions on aluminum and mild steel.

WLD   1604   Flux Cored ARC Welding    Structural
Prerequisite(s): WLD 100, WLD 1404, and WLD 1504. Students will receive instruction on the proper setup and use of flux cored arc welding equipment. 
WLD   1714   Intro to GTAW 
Prerequisite(s): WLD 100.  Instruction will be focused on the proper setup and operation TIG welding equipment to weld in all positions on mild steel.  
WLD   1764   GTAW Advanced
Prerequisite(s): WLD 100. This course covers advanced topics in GTAW welding, including welding in Aluminum and Stainless Steel in all positions. The students will identify causes and sources for weld pool contaminates. 
WLD   190   Welding Project Management
Prerequisite(s): 20 credits in WLD & permission of instructor. Utilization of welding and cutting skills combined with layout, design and working procedures, blueprint reading, math and special formula skills in project format. 
WLD   199   Occupational Work Experience 
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Permission. Planned work experience in the workforce which is supervised by a welding professional and monitored by an instructor.
WLD   260   Agricultural Construction 
Prerequisite(s): None. This course is designed to provide students with the theoretical basis, knowledge and skills necessary for the construction/ fabrication of metal projects. Emphasis will be placed on: laboratory safety, general laboratory measurements, metal identification/ characteristics, oxyacetylene welding and cutting, shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), plasma cutting, and project construction



