Students enrolled in Manhattan Tech Concurrent/Dual Enrollment (CE) wishing to receive accommodations must request accommodations per higher education disability law. Manhattan Tech generally prefers to defer to previously approved and effective accommodation plans created by appropriate high school staff, as long as the requested accommodations do not compromise the completion requirements of the college course.
If accommodations in a 504 plan or IEP have proven effective for a student’s educational success, they should continue in CE classes.
Faculty, staff, parents, and students may contact Manhattan Tech to discuss or verify accommodations for CE classes. Students must meet with Manhattan Tech and complete additional eligibility requirements for new accommodation requests (not included in a current 504 plan or IEP). Students should also be aware that the provision of accommodations for CE courses may not transfer or remain in force upon college matriculation after high school graduation.
Accommodations Request Form
Request for accommodations in a Manhattan Tech Concurrent Enrollment course require medical diagnosis paperwork and/or an IEP/504 plan to Manhattan Tech via our secure file upload system before receiving any accommodation in the Concurrent/Dual enrollment classroom (emails and paper documents will not be accepted).
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
The school district is responsible for identifying the student’s disability
Students must self-identify by requesting accommodations and providing documentation
Students have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to define educational goals and allow assignments to be modified to the student’s abilities
Students do not have IEPs, but instead, receive accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities
Parents are actively involved in their student’s educational planning. They can discuss their progress with teachers and counselors, as well as sign documents on behalf of their student
Students are responsible for making decisions and signing documentation themselves. Students must sign a “release of information” for parents to speak with college personnel
Schools have a system set up for providing transportation to and from high school
HIGH SCHOOL Modification examples based on IEPs (NOT allowed in college)
COLLEGE Accommodation examples based on ADA (allowed in college)
Completing only 50% of questions on a test
Testing accommodations: extra time (generally 1.5 or 2x), fewer distractions, calculator, computer with spell check, reader, scribe, extra breaks, no Scantrons
Having only choices A and B on a multiple-choice test
Testing in a reduced distraction area
Unlimited time on an exam
Use of text-to-speech software, such as Read & Write, to have tests read aloud
Writing a 5-page paper instead of a 10-page paper
Accessible textbooks
Being allowed to turn in assignments late or take tests multiple times to improve a grade
Copies of lecture notes from student or instructor (not to be used on tests)
Study guides or note cards for tests
Sign language interpreters
Any accommodation that fundamentally alters the essential components of a course or field of study is not considered reasonable nor appropriate. This includes waiving requirements that are considered essential to a course or program (such as a math course for a Business major) or substantially modifying tests or homework assignments (such as reducing the number of answer choices on a test or the number of required homework problems). Additionally, any accommodation that is for personal use or study (such as individual tutoring) is not provided unless that service is also available to the general population of students.
Documentation only needs to be submitted one time, unless a student wants to be considered for different accommodations than were originally approved by the Manhattan Tech Student Services office. Students must indicate submission of previous accommodation paperwork on their enrollment application. This will allow for the office to process updated accommodation letters that identify current courses, faculty, and approved accommodations.
As a concurrent enrollment student, you have the privilege of taking college courses while still enrolled in high school. As a student with a diagnosed disability, you have the right to request academic accommodations through the Student Services Office.
You will need to submit a Concurrent Enrollment Accommodation Request Form for accommodations based upon your disability.
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