Author: Manhattan Tech
Manhattan Tech is now offering 12-week general education courses! Many of these courses are approved as a Kansas Board of Regents Systemwide Transfer Course to be accepted as general education credit at any public post-secondary institution in Kansas. Courses are offered at both our Manhattan Campus and Wamego Center.
12 week Spring 2021 Courses
COM 105 English Composition I English Composition I is an introduction to expository writing emphasizing expression of ideas, structure, organization, development, and grammatical correctness. The course offers practice in researching, revising, and editing.
Prerequisite(s): Meet placement guidelines
MAT 110 Intermediate Algebra This course is designed for students who have only one year of high school algebra, are inadequately prepared for College Algebra, or score in the prescribed range on the ASSET/COMPASS exams. Topics covered will include Number Systems, Linear Equations and Inequalities, Lines, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities, Polynomials, Exponents, Rational Expressions and Quadratic Equations.
PHY 100 General Physics Physics is the study of translational and rotational motion, force, work, mechanical and thermal energy, linear and angular momentum, fluid mechanics, electricity and magnetism in industrial applications.
Prerequisite(s): Intermediate Algebra
PSY 100 General Psychology This course will serve as an overview of the major fields within psychology with an emphasis on developing an understanding of psychology as the science of human thought and behavior. The learning outcomes and competencies meet or exceed the outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes project for this course, as sanctioned by the Kansas Board of Regents.
Prerequisite(s): None
CHM 105 Introduction to Chemistry This course will enable students to understand the scientific method, improve knowledge of basic math skills, work with scientific materials, and apply scientific reasoning to real world problems. Application will be made by relating structure and behavior of matter to its function in health and life.
Prerequisite(s): High school Algebra with “C” or higher
COM 106 English Composition II English Composition I is an introduction to expository writing emphasizing expression of ideas, structure, organization, development, and grammatical correctness. The course offers practice in researching, revising, and editing.
Prerequisite(s): COM 105 with a grade of C or higher
MAT 145 Elementary Statistics Elementary Statistics is an introductory study of the fundamentals of modern statistics and probability. The main topics covered include descriptive methods, inductive statistics, probability, estimation and tests of hypotheses, along with other topics as time allows.
Prerequisite(s): MAT 110 with a grade of C or higher
NTR 105 Nutrition This course provides students with an understanding of the basic nutritional principles that can affect everyday lifestyles. Topics to be covered include: food selection, macronutrients & micronutrients and their function within the body, digestion and absorption of nutrients, energy balance, and water and electrolyte balance. Possible topics to be covered include: use and function of supplements, alcohol metabolism, food safety, sports nutrition, eating disorders, pregnancy and nutritional concerns, and geriatric nutrition. Prerequisite(s): None
PSY 100 General Psychology This course will serve as an overview of the major fields within psychology with an emphasis on developing an understanding of psychology as the science of human thought and behavior. The learning outcomes and competencies meet or exceed the outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes project for this course, as sanctioned by the Kansas Board of Regents. Prerequisite(s): None
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