Enrollment Requirements

Financial aid offers are based on the assumption of full-time enrollment in a degree-seeking program every semester. To be eligible for aid, students must meet minimum enrollment requirements. Enrollment is verified each semester before disbursement of funds.

A change of enrollment status could result in a revision of the financial aid package. To remain eligible for federal financial aid, students must also attend ALL registered classes at least once during the semester.

If you would like more detailed information on how your enrollment affects specific types of aid, please visit this website's Types of Aid section and click through to the appropriate aid type.

Contact financial aid if you plan to take fewer hours than the minimum required for full-time enrollment.

Undergraduate Students

Enrollment LevelUndergraduate
Full time12 or more credits
3/4 time9–11 credits
1/2 time6–8 credits


If you plan to withdraw from Manhattan Tech before the end of an academic session, you must follow the formal withdrawal process through the Registrar's office. You should look at the drop/withdrawal dates before making your decision.

If you withdraw from the college:

  • Your current financial aid may change; changes to financial assistance are made according to federally mandated formulas.
  • Revising your records and enrollment dates may affect your financial aid in the future.
  • Financial aid returned to the source (lender, program, etc.) will appear on your account as a charge.
  • You will be notified of any changes to your award.

Non-Degree-Seeking Students

Financial aid is available to qualified degree candidates who are enrolled at Manhattan Tech. Non-degree-seeking students are not admitted to specific degree programs and do not qualify for federal financial aid.

Course Repeats and Financial Aid Eligibility

According to federal legislation, effective July 1, 2011, repeat classes may only count towards financial aid eligibility if (a) the course was previously failed or (b) the course was previously passed only once. This means a student who fails a class may repeat a class and have it count as credit toward the determination of enrollment status for financial aid purposes, but a student who has already passed a class may only repeat the class once more (i.e., to receive a better grade) and have these credits count toward financial aid eligibility. The Financial Aid Office does not determine if you may repeat a class; it only determines whether you may be eligible for financial aid for a repeat class.
