Author: Manhattan Tech
Students and Community Members:
After consultation with administrators and faculty leadership, the college has decided to convert all summer courses to an online format.
Unfortunately, we cannot predict the spread of COVID-19 in Kansas or nationwide. While we recognize that many of you long for a return to in-person classroom instruction, it is impossible to know how soon that might occur. Therefore, with summer registration open and students already enrolled/enrolling, it is imperative that we made this decision now in order to give individuals ample time to make decisions related to summer semester.
Given that summer travel plans may be adversely affected or canceled outright due to public health restrictions, continuing your studies with online summer semester offerings may be a great option, especially if social distancing restrictions remain in place for an extended period. Even if we receive word that we can return to in-person classroom instruction, we will continue with our planned online delivery method for the summer.
As always, MATC administration will continue to monitor the situation and will provide additional communication to students/community as decisions are made. We appreciate everyone’s support at this time of uncertainty and hope everyone stays safe and healthy!
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