If you have an outstanding unpaid balance, your account may be sent to collection as indicated in our MATC Student Financial Responsibility Statement.
Our Process
Prior to sending your account to collection, the Student Account Specialist will attempt to notify you about your outstanding debt using your current MATC email account and the mailing address we have on file.
If you receive a collection communication from MATC, review your student account online:
Authorized Agencies
If your account remains unpaid and has been sent to collection, you may be contacted by one or more of the agencies working with MATC.
Kansas Setoff Program
PO Box 2713
Topeka, KS 66601-2713
Credit World Services, Inc.
6000 Martway St.
Mission, KS 66202
You may be contacted by MATC, or our designated collection agency, regarding your obligation through any of the contact phone numbers you have provided. You may receive pre-recorded voice messages regarding any outstanding student obligations.
Additionally, if your account has been sent to collection, you may be charged fees by the collection agency. Collection agency fees are a percentage of the debt owed. A fee equal to as much as 15 percent of your debt may be added to your account, which will increase the total amount you owe. The collection agency may also report your delinquent debts to a credit bureau.
Send email
Call:(785) 320-4512
Text: (785) 377-5092
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