Students already registered for their course(s) and looking to amend their schedule by adding, dropping, or withdrawing may submit the form below or contact their advisor for assistance.
Course Add/Drop/Withdraw Request Form
There are financial and academic implications to consider when dropping/adding course(s). Financial penalties may apply, and financial aid/military benefits may be impacted*. Before registering or making any registration changes, consult with your academic advisor.
Please follow the Military Leave and Re-Admissions Policy (5.2.4) instructions for students who require course drops due to military leave.
Students may have a "W" posted on their transcript instead of a letter grade by officially withdrawing from a course. Students may withdraw from a course after the drop period has passed. There is no refund for a withdrawal, and students are financially responsible. The academic consequences of this action include receiving a grade of "W" for the course, which will appear on any unofficial or official transcripts. A grade of "W" will not impact your institutional GPA nor count as completed credit toward your degree. Withdrawing can affect a student's academic and financial aid standing (Satisfactory Academic Progress) and should only be done if it is their only option.
Before withdrawing, students are encouraged to talk with their instructor and academic advisor about their progress in the course based on the grading criteria stated in the syllabus, participation, and grades earned to date. Instructors and advisors may also explore opportunities that allow students to complete the course under Manhattan Tech guidelines and policies. Students should also visit the Teaching and Learning Center to learn more about the free academic resources and services.
If a student is absent during the official Drop or Withdrawal period from a class for five (5) class periods and has made no contact with any Manhattan Tech faculty/staff member, an instructor may request to withdraw the student from the course roster on the sixth day by providing a completed Withdrawal form detailing an explanation to the appropriate Dean. An Administrative Withdrawal (AW) will appear on the student's transcript for the course(s) the request references. The official date for the Administrative Withdrawal will be the date the request was received. If absenteeism occurs outside the official Drop or Withdrawal period, the student will be awarded the earned grade at the end of the course. The student will be responsible for any financial obligations as outlined in the tuition refund process.
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