An official transcript is a comprehensive document of a student’s academic record at Manhattan Area Technical College. Transcripts will not be issued if any financial obligations exist with Manhattan Tech.
Manhattan Area Technical College has authorized the National Student Clearing House to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of student transcripts. Each transcript requested has a $12.50 (non-refundable) processing fee. Electronic PDF Delivery has an additional $0.50 fee.
Students who have access to the Self-Service portal (MATCOnline) and do not have holds on their accounts can retrieve an unofficial transcript 24/7.
Students are required to submit official high school and/or college transcripts when applying for Manhattan Tech credit courses and financial aid.
Institutions should mail transcripts to:
Manhattan Area Technical CollegeRegistrar’s Office3136 Dickens AveManhattan, Kansas 66503
Send email
Call:(785) 320-4544
Text: (785) 450-8339
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