As a Manhattan Tech student, it's important to understand your rights regarding access toand disclosure of information in your education record. The Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act (FERPA) affords you the right to:
To review or request an amendment to your record, contact the Registrar's office thatmaintains the record.
Under FERPA, the college may release education record information if the disclosure is:
Directory information is student data contained in education records that would notgenerally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Student data thatis not directory information may only be released with your documented consent.
To authorize third-party access to your non-directory information, complete the Consent toRelease Information Form (Login Required).
You may restrict the release of directory information by placing full privacy on your record.Please note that students with full privacy are treated the same as other students ininstructional settings, including within physical and virtual classrooms. Their name, imageand email address may appear on screen and in the learning management system, andinstructors may call on them by name.
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Text: (785) 450-8339
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