The Achievement Center is our student testing center. We administer all placement and enrollment qualifying assessments, standard course exams, and make-up exams, offer 3rd-party proctor services for college students and community members, and other testing services. Click below for more information.
ACCUPLACER tests assess math, reading, and writing skills to guide your enrollment and course readiness.
Before enrolling in a CNA or CMA course, you may need to take the CASAS reading test to qualify and prepare for new classes.
The ATI A&P Assessment is required for the nursing program at Manhattan Tech, and the highest score ranks applicants.
The TEAS is required for the Practical Nursing program at Manhattan Tech and ranks applicants by the highest score.
Register for your state test after completing the CNA course. Tests are in the Achievement Center, TLC.
Register for your state test after completing the CMA course. Tests are in the Achievement Center, TLC.
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