At Manhattan Area Technical College, students participate in an individualized and interactive process with accommodations staff and relevant faculty to determine and arrange reasonable and appropriate accommodations. Current and incoming students are encouraged to initiate the accommodations process as soon as a potential need is identified.
Students who do not have documentation of a disability or are unsure whether accessibility resources are appropriate for them are welcome to contact the accommodations office. They can learn more about the accommodations process, disability documentation guidelines, how to obtain documentation, and college resources that may be available with or without disability accommodations.
Students seeking accommodations are asked to submit appropriate documentation of their disability to accommodations. We request documentation to establish the presence of a disability and to help us understand how a disability impacts a student in the college setting so we can make informed decisions about accommodations.
Documentation should be prepared by a qualified medical or mental health professional who does not have a family relationship with the student. Healthcare providers are welcome to include the information described on the Disability Documentation Guidelines in a letter (on letterhead, and signed and dated), or they may opt to use our Student Disability Documentation Form.
Submit the online accommodations request form available at the link below. You are required to upload documentation along with your accommodation request form.
Accommodation Request Form
Upon receipt of the completed accommodation request form and the appropriate documentation, the accommodations staff will review the student's request. If necessary, the accommodations staff member may consult with relevant faculty or additional staff members to discuss program requirements and identify reasonable accommodations or viable alternatives.
After determining the student's eligibility for accommodations, The College will notify the student and provide instructions for scheduling an intake meeting.
Students may schedule an intake meeting using our online booking page. The intake meeting is an opportunity for the student and accommodations to discuss the nature and impact of the student's disability(ies), review the student's disability documentation together, and explore possible accommodations and resources.
In keeping with the individualized and interactive nature of the accommodation process, the accommodation staff member may ask the student to provide additional information or disability documentation in order to better understand the nature and impact of their condition and their specific accessibility needs.
Students must sign their Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to finalize their semester accommodations.
Certain accommodations may necessitate additional steps or follow-up from the student, such as notifying the accommodations office of required textbooks in an alternative format or coordinating with faculty regarding alternative testing arrangements. Students will be informed of any actions required for the implementation of their accommodations.
Once accommodations are in place, it is essential that students remain in communication with accommodations and relevant faculty/staff around their ongoing accessibility needs.
We strongly encourage students using academic accommodations to speak with their instructors as early in the semester as possible about their individual accommodation arrangements. We find that collaboration between students and instructors results in a smoother process.
Students are encouraged to notify accommodations as soon as possible if:
Accommodations are varied, and therefore, the amount of time required to provide accommodations to students also varies. Once all the required documentation is received, the coordinator will have up to fourteen (14) business days to review the request and, if approved, provide the student with a letter of accommodation (LOA).
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