Group Visit Request Form

Thank you for your interest in planning a group visit to Manhattan Area Technical College! For groups of five or more visitors, reservations are required and must be confirmed in advance. To inquire about the possibility of a group visit, please complete and submit the form below at least two weeks prior to the requested visit date. All requests are considered pending until confirmed over email by a member of our staff.

Although we will make every effort to accommodate your request, group visits are subject to the constraints of the academic calendar and the availability of admission staff.

  • Group tours are generally not available when students are in exams or on break. You can view our academic calendar here: Academic Calendar
  • Groups of all sizes are welcome to inquire about the possibility of a visit, but we cannot guarantee guided tours for groups of more than 45, especially when we anticipate a high volume of visitors.
  • Though we welcome visitors of all ages, our information sessions and guided tours are designed for students who will be applying to college in the near future.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the Admissions office at 785-587-2800 or email

Thank you again for your interest in Manhattan Area Technical College. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to campus!

Organizer Contact Information
Group Information